Climate resilience – Axa Tertiary Building | France
Project summary
Service provided:
Assessment of climate change vulnerability and adaptation solutions
Paris, France
See google map
Period of the service:
Duration of service:
2 months
Sixense solutions used:
Images of the project

The AXA portfolio in the face of climate change
The objective was to identify current and future climate risks for AXA’s tertiary building and propose a range of adaptation solutions to implement, to reduce risks, via a dedicated decision-assistance tool.
Identifying risks to propose tailored solutions
Our specialist research office, Resallience, was appointed by AXA to:
- Propose a classification of vulnerability to climate change with the calculation of a score reflecting exposure to trend-based and extreme climate risks by 2050 under scenario RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5, and a score for site vulnerability to climate risks based on the building’s sensitivity.
- Define an adaptation action plan including a benchmarking of existing measures and good practices adapted to the site and to the risks, a classification of recommendations for preliminary solutions to improve the site’s resilience and the development of a decision-assistance tool for the roll-out of resilience solutions