Geotechnical instrumentation for the Upper Yarra Dam Safety Upgrade | Australia

Project summary

Service provided:  Geotechnical instrumentation
Location:  Melbourne, Australia
See google map
Client:  Melbourne Water Corporation, Seymour Whyte
Period of the service:  2019 - 2020
Duration of service:  1 year & 6 months
Sixense solutions used: 

Images of the project

Dam safety upgrades

Melbourne Water Corporation requires the construction of safety upgrades to the Upper Yarra Dam to reduce the dam safety risk of the storage facility to acceptable levels in accordance with Australian National Committee on Large Dams (ANCOLD) guidelines.

The works reduce the key dam safety risk of embankment failure due to internal erosion and piping.


What we’ve delivered

Sixense are designing, procuring and installing a range of instrumentation to support the dam safety upgrade works. This includes:

  • existing instrumentation which is located, protected and reinstated with upgraded datalogging systems
  • new instrumentation to provide additional monitoring capabilities within the dam wall and it’s surrounds

Project Key figures

2 Inclinometers
2 Extensometers
48 Piezometers
2 Weir monitors
3 Datalogging enclosures

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